
Gamx Inc. provides a variety of consulting services ranging from professional advice to fully illustrated interpretive reports with recommendations, tailored to specific clients’ needs. The latter may include detailed descriptions of new exploration targets or geological features of interest defined by the gamma ray spectrometric data, colour maps of all layers with interpretive overlays and data charts/graphs illustrating key features. Integration with all other available data layers maximizes interpretation. Projects may be completed in a day or less with reporting via email, or require several weeks to deliver a formal written interpretive report based on all available data, with recommendations. Where possible, we work with your experts to improve the overall interpretation.  We also provide airborne survey contract writing, monitoring and QC, post-survey data quality approval, pre- or post-survey ground spectrometry, technical workshops and field training tailored to your requirements.

  • Planning: airborne and ground gamma ray spectrometric surveys
  • Surveying: GamX will conduct ground surveys to establish radioactive element signatures and define potential targets on your ground using a state-of-art spectrometer. When practical, ground surveys conducted prior to a proposed airborne survey can improve the airborne survey design, and may even show that an airborne survey may not be effective. This can save a lot of time, effort and money!
  • Monitoring: airborne/ground survey quality, data quality evaluation
  • Training: in the field (do your own surveying with in-house staff) or office, workshops (do your own interpretation)
  • Interpretation: stand-alone spectrometric data or integrated with other key layers; data can be from any source, whether existing public domain, privately held, or your own new data
  • Reporting: interpretation results, supporting illustrations, tables, charts, exploration targets, recommendations

Extract ALL the information from your gamma ray data – Contact GamX to discuss options, costs.