

Gamma ray spectrometry has been around for several decades since development in the late-1950s. As technology grew, so too has the list of practical application to geological, environmental, health and safety issues. Despite this growth, many misconceptions exist about the method. Although some clients simply want an interpretation of their data, others want to know more, such as where to use it, how to survey and especially, what to do with the resulting data/maps. For those wanting to be more hands-on, GamX Inc offers practical field and office training to individuals and groups, anywhere.


WorkshopsGamX Inc Generic Workshop Presentation SetupGamx Inc Workshop Conference room Setup

GamX Inc occasionally provides topic-specific Presentations and Short Courses at various geological conferences and meetings such as the annual Prospectors and Developers Conference in Toronto Canada, the annual Mineral and Exploration Roundup, Vancouver, Canada, or other international venues. We provide Presentations at university Undergraduate and Masters levels as part of course curricula.

We also offer customized PowerPoint-based workshops drawing from years of experience and wide-ranging examples. Workshops can be a few hours or less duration focussed specifically on topics or applications of interest (Rare Earth Element exploration, for example), or, can be all-day sessions spanning the broadest range of applications. Depending on workshop duration and goals, the following topics are covered:



Fundamental principles

Detector Response

Portable gamma ray spectrometry

Calibration required

Airborne gamma ray spectrometry

Borehole gamma ray spectrometry

Interpretation tips


Case Histories

Ground surveying tips

Survey costs

Resources available


TrainingGamX Inc Field Training

Field training is by definition, HANDS-ON!   It is designed to teach students (technical staff, geologists and other field personnel) all aspects of ground spectrometric surveying: what instrumentation to use, how to ensure correct operation and deployment, where to take measurements to ensure accurate results, measurement spacings, how to “behave” at each site, what to observe and record to improve interpretation, how to process/present the data, how to incorporate data with other information layers, and finally, how to interpret and apply the new gamma ray spectrometric data.

Depending on several factors, such as budget or accessibility of a field site, the location for field training can be almost anywhere, from a corporate parking lot to an operating exploration property in the hinterland. The latter scenario offers site-specific, geology-specific settings of direct exploration interest, and is preferred by most clients – they want to know if the methods work for their situation, and they want their exploration staff to be capable of completing surveys that provide useful exploration guidance on that property or any other properties they may acquire elsewhere in different geological settings.


If you are interested in learning more about Workshops, Field Training or combinations tailored to your needs, please Contact Us.